Hi !
We had to postpone our LinkedIn Live this week due to illness. Therefore, you are invited to the event again:
Join us on LinkedIn Live on 14.03.24 from 12:00 to 13:00!
We will have a conversation in Norwegian with:
• Viggo Fedreheim (Advisor for Digi Troms Finnmark and former ICT advisor in Narvik municipality)
• Are Andreassen (Section chief for the department for digitalization and business management in the executive department for kindergarten and education in Bergen municipality)
We will provide tips and tricks on how you can take advantage of the short distance from the schools to IT in the municipality to improve privacy.
We will talk about:
🟢 What are the things that make it easier for you to prioritize work with privacy protection?
🟢 What are the advantages of working with privacy protection in a small municipality compared to a larger one?
🟢 Tips on what you can specifically do to succeed with privacy protection in a small municipality
🟢 Inherent challenges when working with privacy protection and how you can make the challenges a bit smaller
I wish you a wonderful, privacy-friendly week-end!
Best regards,
Ida Thorsrud
Project manager national DPIA
This newsletter was translated from Norwegian to English with assistance from ChatGPT by OpenAI. While it guided our translation, we made independent editorial choices. Any discrepancies result from this combined approach.