Hi !
This week we had the launch of the DPIA for the use of Google Workspace for Education in schools.
Didn't catch the live broadcast? Fear not, you can watch it here whenever it suits you: https://vimeo.com/1051959530/ebe3a1d7a1?ts=0&share=copy
This event was primarily a celebration. And a reflection where both leaders and those of us who worked on the details of the project took the time to reflect on our experiences.
That's why I'm especially happy about all the experience sharing from the project participants who took part in the national DPIA in the latter half of the webinar. If anything, I hope you take the time to watch that part.
As the project manager, I am both really grateful and really proud of what we have achieved together!
09.00 – 09.10: Kristin Weidemann Wieland (Area Director for Research, Innovation and Digitalization (FID) KS)
Welcomes everyone and tells us a little about why KS chose to prioritize conducting a national DPIA on behalf of its members, and a bit about the challenges that municipalities face when it comes to digitalization and privacy.
09.10 – 09.20: Geir Ottestad (Director in the Ministry of Education)
The Ministry of Education has supported the work with the national DPIA. Geir Ottestad says a few words about how the KD has been involved in the project. And about why these types of projects, where municipalities come together to conduct these kinds of assessments.
09.20 – 09.35: Marc Crandall (Global Head of Privacy for Google Cloud)
In this project, we collaborated with Google to answer questions we could not figure out on our own. Marc Crandall will tell us about Google's experiences with the collaboration, and why it makes sense for a large technology company like Google to assist in this type of cooperation. This portion of the program is in English.
09.35 – 09.50: Panel discussion with António Gonçlaves (Privacy Regulatory Affairs Lead, Google Cloud)
António and Ida discuss how the daily cooperation between Google and KS took place, what worked, how friction was handled, and why we believe this is an example of a gold standard on how this type of cooperation can be organized. This portion of the program is in English.
09.49 – 09.50: Demo of the DPIA resource page on KS.no by Ida Thorsrud (Project Manager for the national DPIA project, KS)
Briefly presents where you can find the DPIA and the resources that we have created to help you take it from 80 to 100 percent.
09.50 – 10.00: Break
10.00 – 10.15: Panel discussion with Are Andreassen (Section Chief for Digitalization, IT, and Privacy, Department for Kindergarten and School, Bergen Municipality)
The DPIA project was initiated by Bergen municipality. Are Andreassen talks about the lead-up to the Google DPIA, and why exactly Bergen municipality chose to participate in this type of collaboration.
10.15 – 11.00: Panel discussion with project members from the Google DPIA about their experiences from the collaboration
In the Google DPIA, employees from Bergen municipality, Narvik municipality, Harstad municipality, Trondheim municipality, Stavanger municipality, and Vestland county municipality collaborated. This was a work that went on over time, where employees with legal, educational, and technical backgrounds met to solve a task. This is a conversation where some of the project participants share about their experiences from working with a national DPIA.
I wish you a wonderful, privacy-friendly week-end!
Best regards,
Ida Thorsrud
Project manager national DPIA
This newsletter was translated from Norwegian to English with assistance from ChatGPT by OpenAI. While it guided our translation, we made independent editorial choices. Any discrepancies result from this combined approach.